The Ideal Temperature For Your Home
It’s too hot! It’s freezing in here! I’m sweltering! These are all commonly heard phrases around most homes at some point during the year. Many families can’t seem to agree on the ideal temperature and we’re often asked, “what should I set my thermostat to?”. Well, the answer is it depends.
The Best for Your Wallet.
When considering your thermostat settings many consider the electric bill first. According to Duke Energy, set your thermostat to the highest comfortable setting in the summer and the lowest in the winter. In the summer, “We recommend 78 degrees when you’re home and 80 degrees while you are away. As a rule, raising the thermostat setting just two degrees will reduce cooling costs by 5%.”
While your thermostat is what controls your electric bill, you can stay cooler by using ceiling fans in main rooms. In both seasons, making sure your windows and doors are properly sealed will also keep the warm or cool air where you want it.
The Best for Your Lifestyle.
Another factor when considering your thermostat settings is your lifestyle. Do you work from home or are you away most of the day? Do you have pets? What does your routine look like on the weekends? On average the ideal temperature setting is between 68-70 degrees in most homes. However, when you’re not at home, it doesn’t always make sense to keep it the same temperature. If your schedule changes often then a programmable thermostat may be the right fit for you. A smart thermostat allows you to adjust the temperature in your home during the day, evenings and even while you’re away under a predetermined schedule. Many of these units allow you to even control them right from your phone when you are away, too.
The Best for Your Unit.
While there isn’t a magic temperature for your home, there are a few factors that help improve the life of your HVAC unit. In the summer you want to avoid cranking your air conditioning too low or turning it down to try and cool your home quickly. The same rules apply to warm air in the winter. By trying to cool your home too fast (or heat it up quickly), you can stretch the capacity of your unit, causing it to work overtime and ultimately not last as long. The best rule of thumb is to set your thermostat to your desired setting and allow the system to do its job, gradually warming or cooling until it reaches the set temperature.
There isn’t necessarily a wrong or right answer to the ideal temperature setting for your thermostat. However, one thing remains true, proper HVAC maintenance can help your heating and air units last longer and save you money, too. Call Thornton’s Heating & Air today for any of your heating and air conditioning needs for your home or business!